@ shyuuni's site

Your average MILF/DILF simp

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.phobias.tocophobia, monophobia

.PFP.Ikumi Fukuda @KotteriArt


Shyu or Shy, She+Her (or any), infp-t, libra (sept-28), UK, Pansexual

.likes.coffee, jazz/swing, gaming, drawing, hikes, reading, baking, films, rain, retrospectives, listening to people yap, art, horror.
.dislikes.racists, homophobia, transphobia, just people being a dick in general.

Currently Reading

Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
Dracula - Bram Stoker
Camilla - Sheridan le Fanu
Neuromancer - William Gibson
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick


Perfect Blue
Studio Ghibli
Stranger Things
Game of Thrones
Phantom of the Opera
Treasure Planet
The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Game Franchises

The Legend of Zelda
Kingdom Hearts
Dark Souls/Bloodborne
Metal Gear
Ni No Kuni
Final Fantasy
Call of Duty
Animal Crossing
Ryū ga Gotoku